This is the week when real feminists separate from their radical counterparts. For the uninformed, March 8 is officially International Women’s Day, but it is the catalyst for week-long events held throughout this country and around the world. Sounds harmless, if not downright inspiring to many unsuspecting women and girls who want to celebrate the right to be all that they can be. Unfortunately, it comes with a lot of baggage you may not want for your daughter or yourself.
This annual event was begun in 1909 in New York by the Socialist Party of America. In 1917, it became a national holiday in Russia and was primarily celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until 1975 when it was embraced by the United Nations.
This years theme is “Balance for Better” aimed a building a “gender balanced world.” What could possibility be wrong with that? Nothing, unless it is artificially enforced and government-imposed on women who prefer not to be forced into jobs they don’t want or the full-time workforce at the expense of their families, which is the goal of many radical feminists. Continue reading…