19-year-old girl tied up, beaten and burned with flat iron for converting to Christianity


NAIROBI, Kenya — A Muslim in eastern Uganda burned his 19-year-old daughter with a flat iron on July 21 after learning that she had converted to Christianity, sources said.

Naasike Maliyati of Nampologoma, Butaleja District said she attended an evangelistic crusade with a friend in the course of a visit to her grandmother in Lwangoli, Busoba Sub-County, Mbale District, on July 15.

“When they called people to give their lives to Christ, I also went and prayed to receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior,” Maliyati said. “When I went back home, I told my sister that I had left Islam. She went and told our dad of my conversion to Christianity.”

The following Sunday Maliyati, a student at Noor Islamic Institute in Mbale, attended a church service, and upon returning home found her father, 44-year-old Abdulrahim Kutosi, and uncles angry with her, she said.

“They tied me up, beat me, and finally my dad picked up a hot flat iron and hot water and burned me and shouted loudly that I was an embarrassment to the family,” Maliyati told Morning Star News. “I was burned for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity, as my father furiously continued shouting that I had shamed the family. He continued saying that even Allah is annoyed with me as the pain continued inside my body.” Continue reading…

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