Biden Puts Young Mom in Prison for Three Years for Preaching Outside Abortion Biz

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LIFE NEWS/ Steven Ertelt-

Joe Biden has put another pro-life American in prison for protesting abortion – this time putting a young mother in federal prison for more than three years for preaching outside an abortion center.

Bevelyn Beatty Williams, a 33-year-old mom of a 2-year-old daughter, received a sentence this week of three years and give months in prison.

Williams was charged with violating the FACE Act, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Williams faces an additional charge of violating the FACE Act through force, which carries up to 10 years.

For the nearly three decades since FACE was enacted in 1994, it has rarely been used to prosecute life advocates. Yet in 2022 alone, under the Biden/Garland DOJ, there have been at least 22 peaceful pro-life activists indicted under the act — with the first case involving pro-life advocate Mark Houck, whose family was raided after an altercation at a Philadelphia abortion business last year where he accidentally pushed down a man who was verbally accosting his 12-year-old son.

But Williams says the Biden administration unfairly targeted her while ignoring hundreds of pro-abortion crimes.

“I was persecuted as a Christian standing for my beliefs when it comes to life,” read a statement from Williams on her fundraising page. “This is devastating news. Not only is this bond extensive for the accused crime, but she made it very clear in the courtroom that she was going to make an example out of me.” Continue reading…