Let me start by laying out clearly my heuristic for understanding our enemies in politics, in culture, and even within the Church. Fittingly, it is biblical:
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)
Those simple words of Jesus guide me whenever leftists, libertines, or “Progressives” start moving their lips. I suggest you let them guide you the same way. It will save you endless wasted time and heartache you might otherwise inflict on yourself by insisting, “But these people are sincere!”
They’re Not Stupid, They’re Lying
What if they aren’t? What if they’re simply lying, to us and to themselves? Wouldn’t that explain things better than, for instance, the dubious theory that they’re mentally impaired enough to believe things like these:
- A speciesless mass of undifferentiated lifeless tissue acquires both humanity and life the moment it exits the Magical Birth Canal. (Women’s bodies are even cooler than I realized as a teenager!)
- There were always 47 different genders, but science didn’t discover them until reality TV star Bruce Jenner decided he was “really” a Lesbian trapped in the body of a male Olympian, and Vanity Fair did a cover story on him.
- Science dictated during COVID that infected patients really ought to be moved from hospitals to nursing homes, to infect thousands of the most vulnerable Americans, while children with vigorous immune systems had to miss a year of school. Abortion clinics, casinos, liquor stores and big box stores were “essential” businesses, but churches and small businesses weren’t. George Floyd protests were safe, but GOP rallies were “superspreader events.” Abortion rights were covered by constitutional privacy rights, but vaccine decisions weren’t. And all this we knew if we “listened to the Science.”
- When members of one political party question election results and claim that the president is abusing his power, they are acting as righteous citizens. When those in the other party do the same, they expose themselves as anti-democratic insurrectionists who must be silenced and crushed at all costs.
- Sending illegal immigrants to a poor part of the country for local communities to deal with is humane and generous. Sending them to a wealthy enclave that has proclaimed itself a “sanctuary” for them is dehumanizing and cruel. Continue reading…