After Kissing Christianity Goodbye, Joshua Harris Marches in Vancouver Pride Parade

CHRISTIAN NEWS/ Heather Clark-

A week after “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” author Joshua Harris announced that he was kissing Christianity goodbye, he posted photos to Instagram of his participation in the Vancouver Pride Festival.

“An American in Canada marching with the British Consulate,” Harris wrote with one photo.

He posted another photograph of himself with “Christian rocker” Trey Pearson of Everyday Sunday, who left his wife and children in 2016 after coming out as homosexual, as well as Matthias Roberts, a homosexual and mental health counselor who — according to his website — seeks to “fight bad theology” as he believes “people in the Church have been gravely wrong” in stating that homosexuals aren’t Christians.

Harris wore a “Love Is GREAT – Britain” t-shirt at the event, on which he hung rainbow sunglasses. “Enjoyed swapping stories, gentlemen!” he wrote as a caption. Continue reading…