PULPIT AND PEN/ Cherie Vandermillen-
Hypatia Press published atheist and author Jon Hammond’s new comic book The Falling Staron June 14th.
According to the Friendly Atheist:
Hammond tells the story of the Archangel Samael who reminds readers that history is written by the victors. As we learn about Samael’s journey, he grapples with “the concepts of free will, subjective truth and predestination.” While he longs for his own freedom, he’s constantly reminded that God controls his destiny.
Surprisingly, the author’s premise that his fictional character, the Archangel Samael, struggles with longing for “autonomy” in the face of God who “controls his destiny”, is biblically accurate.
However, just as with Lucifer in sacred writ, the comic book character lives under the delusion that it’s in his power to do as he pleases, that old serpent’s lie, “Do What Thou Will.” Continue reading…