Spiritual Leaders Agree: The Church Isn’t Ready for What We’re Facing Today

THE STREAM/ Tom Gilson-

I’ve sat down with half a dozen pastoral leaders lately, asking them about churches’ readiness to face the new challenges in our fast-changing culture. These were all regional leaders, not all in the same denomination, but representing several hundred churches through the pastors they in turn lead.

Every one of them shook his head soberly and said, “We’re not ready.” And what’s true for their churches is also undoubtedly true for Christians across America.

Not Ready for the Sex and Gender Challenges

We’re not ready, they told me, for the sexual/gender revolution when it hits their churches. Some of their churches have altered their constitutions, giving them basic legal protection when outsiders ask them to perform gay marriages. None of them, though, said their members, or even their greeters or ushers, had any training on what to do when two men walked in the church holding hands, or when an obvious male walks in wearing a dress. Continue reading…