WashPost Film Critic Loves Satanist Movie: So ‘Brave’ and ‘Idealistic’ and ‘Thoughtful’


When last we discussed Washington Post chief movie critic Ann Hornaday, she was insisting they never reviewed the pro-life movie Unplanned because no one sent them a DVD, and that the pro-lifers had a “false sense of victimhood” in noting the Post refused to review the film. There’s still no movie review, so this Friday’s Hornaday rave review was a dramatic contrast: the documentary Hail Satan? Naturally, she loved it. 

The headline in the paper was “A cheeky, provacative [sic] look at self-identified Satan worshipers.”

What might strike the viewer as a bunch of attention-seeking provocateurs interested in upsetting the bourgeois apple cart for its own sake instead become unlikely patriots, a brave, idealistic band of misfits and rebels dedicated to such values as reason, personal liberty, bodily autonomy and secularism in the public squareContinue reading…