THE STREAM/ Wanda Alger-
A lot of attention being drawn to sexual predators in the church these days, and rightly so. But even as these horrendous sins are coming to the forefront, the Lord has alerted me to another danger that is just as destructive, if not far more detrimental to the Body of Christ than just sexual immorality and spiritual abuse. This may take a bit to unpack, but it will be worth the read.
Many of these predators are now being exposed as false messengers who have used their spiritual gifts to deceive and defraud their followers. But many who are decrying them are assuming that the signs and wonders they produce are simply fake. All the healings were staged; all the words were false; the deliverance never took place. But is that really true? Is that what “counterfeit” actually means? Or is it something worse?
In Matthew 24:24, the writer points to a time when false prophets will arise and perform “great signs and wonders” that are so miraculous, they will deceive even the elect. I believe that’s because not all of these “wonders” are fake. In fact, some are very real.
Second Thessalonians 2:9 states, “…the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false (lying) signs and wonders.” What makes the signs and wonders “false” is the fact that their source is not the Holy Spirit, but a demonic one. They produce real results, but with deceptive and even destructive consequences.
The Doors of Destruction
I believe that many of the counterfeit signs and wonders being performed by these false messengers are actually healings and deliverances that are demonically driven. They are very real, but coming from a place of darkness, not light. What’s just as alarming is the fact that some of these false messengers are so deceived themselves, they don’t even realize what they’re producing. They have become so enamored with their own press that they have no clue that they have become puppets of the enemy. Continue reading…
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