‘Evil,’ ripping off babies’ legs, $1K for liver: 3 shocking scenes in CMP’s undercover videos

CHRISTIAN POST/ Samantha Kamman-

Recently unsealed footage captured by the pro-life watchdog group Center for Medical Progress shows a Planned Parenthood abortionist demonstrating how she might “pull off a leg or two” when performing abortions to avoid violating federal law against partial-birth abortion. 

CMP asserts that their recorded conversations with abortionists prove that Planned Parenthood violated the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and sold aborted babies’ body parts for profit.

The pro-life investigative group released a series of undercover videos in 2015 that show Planned Parenthood abortionists describing how they might alter their methods of performing abortions to obtain intact organs, limbs and tissue from aborted babies. The group’s founder, David Daleiden, and fellow investigator Sandra Merritt are two of the individuals heard talking with the abortionists and clinic directors seen in the undercover videos.   Continue reading…