NYC plans to stop treating bodies of 2nd and 3rd trimester aborted babies as ‘human remains’

LIVE ACTION/ Nancy Flanders-

The New York City Department of Health (NYC Health) is solidifying its erroneous stance that preborn babies are not human beings, as it plans to toss a requirement on how their bodies should be handled.

According to the New York Post, in a unanimous vote, NYC Health has decided to throw away the requirement that babies aborted at or after 24 weeks (that’s approximately six months of pregnancy) be treated as human beings and sent to funeral homes for a proper burial or cremation. Instead, the abortion facilities can keep the bodies on-premises to do what they please with them. There will be a public hearing on the matter on August 15. Comments must be submitted by August 1.

“The Department is proposing to amend the Health Code Articles 203 and 205 to eliminate the requirement that any conceptus that has completed 24 or more weeks of gestation be disposed of as human remains,” the proposal reads. “Disposition as human remains would remain available upon request by those who desire burial or cremation.”

“Conceptus” appears to be the NYC Health euphemism for preborn babies, but that term is technically defined as “the embryo in the uterus, especially during the early stages of pregnancy.” This is not a fitting definition for a preborn baby at 24 weeks or beyond, yet this is term NYC Health has chosen to use for these children aborted in the second and third trimesters.

Premature children born as young as 21 weeks have survived, which means there’s no possible way for a person or a health department to logically and successfully argue that these babies aren’t alive before an abortion and aren’t human — at least not without exposing their pro-abortion, pro-population controlpro-eugenic beliefs and biases, along with their apparent desire to keep women in the dark about what abortion truly is and what it does to human beings in the womb.

“This is horrible. They’re treating human beings like trash,” said Jeaane Head, a retired registered nurse who has served as the National Right to Life Committee’s representative to the United Nations. “It’s infanticide. They don’t want mothers to know they killed their baby.” Continue reading…