Protect the Children Part 1: Why You Need to Protect Your Kids from Administrators at School


This is Part 1 of a 14-part series on how to confront leftist indoctrination in your child’s school. If you want to be part of the parental revolution, this series will help you learn how to reorient school systems back toward biblical ethics to ensure our kids can safely learn, grow, and be nurtured in environments that prioritize knowledge over dogma, truth over lies, and virtue over vice.

For the better part of three years, America has been going through a parental revolution. As concerned citizens have come face-to-face with the corrupt curricula and woke agenda foisted upon their kids by activist teachers, administrators, and school boards, the realization that our most basic institutions are compromised has shocked their souls.

This revolution is ongoing; the reckoning needed to safeguard our children from radical ideologies like Critical Race Theory, gender theory, and queer theory demands a sustained and righteous response. The intentional weaponization of these godless ideologies sows discord, confusion, and hatred in the hearts and minds of our young ones, enticing our kids with promises of false sanctification in exchange for the destruction of their bodies and souls.

Add to this the aggressive efforts to infuse our school libraries and classrooms with overly sexualized and pornographic material, and it is evident that this is nothing less than an overt attempt to groom our children to view such content as normal. This trend is intentional; it lowers children’s inhibitions and sows the seeds for adult predators to take advantage of otherwise helpless minors — corrupting their minds or, God forbid, abusing their bodies.

Parents Take Action

In light of this, many parents and communities are now ready to take decisive action to protect their children. This desire is the animating principle behind the Cyclone 400 initiative, which will recruit, train, and deploy 100 leaders nationwide every year for the next four years to defeat the ideological malignancy currently overtaking our schools and to rescue the next generation from those who seek to inflict harm upon them.

These Cyclones will serve as the future vanguard of the parental revolution. Their task will be to reorient schools and school systems back toward biblical ethics to ensure our kids can safely learn, grow, and be nurtured in environments that prioritize knowledge over dogma, truth over lies, and virtue over vice.

The time for fearless and well-equipped leaders to step forward and take back our schools, protect our children, and preserve the innocence of these little ones is now. Continue reading…