To hack a human being

 FRONTLINE NEWS/ Moshe Tokayer-

Israeli historian, philosopher, and author of popular science bestsellers Yuval Noah Harari has opined about God and free will.  He believes that neither exist. “Ultimately my choices, my desires reflect my free will and nobody can access that or touch that. And this was never true. . .”, says Harari.

His “proof” is that “humans are hackable animals”.  What does he mean by this?  Harari explains, “To hack a human being is to understand what’s happening inside you on the level of the body, of the brain, of the mind. . .” According to Harari, once technology can know what’s going on inside a person, “. . . you can predict what people will do. . . . once you understand and predict you can usually also manipulate and control and even replace.”

Harari gives an example of how technology understands what’s happening inside us and can therefore manipulate us.  Here it is in his own words.

You open up that YouTube video your friend sends you after your lunch break. You come back to your computer. And you think okay I know those other times I end up watching two or three videos and I end up getting sucked into it.But this time it’s gonna be really different. I’m just gonna watch this one video and then somehow that’s not what happens. You wake up from a trance three hours later and you say what the hell just happened and it’s because you didn’t realize you had a supercomputer pointed at your brain. Continue reading…