1 in 5 evangelicals reject Bible’s teaching on gender: report

CHRISTIAN POST/Anugrah Kumar –

A new study has revealed that 22% of U.S. evangelicals appear to reject the Bible’s teaching that the gender of a person as male or female is given by God, the Creator, and instead believe in “gender fluidity.”

While 73% of American evangelicals disagree that “gender identity is a matter of choice,” 22% say they believe in that statement, according to the LifeWay Research “State of Theology” poll released Sept. 8.

The survey, sponsored by Orlando-based Ligonier Ministries, and conducted by surveying more than 3,000 Americans in March, also showed that Americans with evangelical beliefs (73%) are more likely to disagree that “gender identity is a matter of choice” than those without evangelical beliefs (47%).

The survey found that Americans in the Northeast are the most likely to agree with gender fluidity, at 44%, and so are those in the age group of 18 to 34, at 50%. However, Americans age 50-64 are the most likely to disagree (64%). Continue reading…