Apostate Author Jen Hatmaker Reveals Her Daughter Is Lesbian ‘in Honor of Pride Month’: ‘I’m So Glad You’re Gay’


Popular women’s author and speaker Jen Hatmaker revealed on her “For the Love” podcast on Friday that her daughter, Sydney, is lesbian, stating that she is “really proud of her” and that she wishes she could go back in time and “shake myself to life sooner” to become affirming theologically on the issue of homosexuality.

“On this incredibly meaningful, special bonus episode of ‘For the Love’, in honor of Pride Month, a mother and daughter come together to have a frank and beautiful conversation about what it’s like to grow up as the daughter of a popular Christian author and speaker and in a household steeped in the church — and realize you’re gay,” the podcast description reads.

During the broadcast, Sydney explained that she became “consciously aware of [her] sexuality” in the sixth or seventh grade and that she had “really intense friendships that were definitely crushes.” Continue reading…