THE STREAM/ Denise MCallister-
The New York Times has made a break with tradition by choosing two Democratic candidates to endorse for president. Both are women, setting the stage for the real political fight of 2020. It’s “the patriarchy” versus the feminists.
The board avoided any mention of “The future is female” when it selected Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar. Instead, they focused on three political choices they say America has to make in the next election.
First, there’s the “white nationalist,” America First populism of Donald Trump. Second is the centrist idealism of the Democratic Party. These moderates see Trump as a mere blip and want to return things to normal with a few tweaks to the system. Third is progressive radicalism that believes America is broken at the core. This “far Left” position claims the nation’s institutions are untrustworthy and need a complete overhaul.
Instead of choosing between the radicals and moderates, the board elected to compromise and select both, leaving America’s destiny up to the voters. Interestingly enough, the board didn’t choose the leading moderate or radical candidates in the current race. That would be moderate Joe Biden, radical Bernie Sanders, and centrist Pete Buttigieg. All three lead in the polls. Biden is the frontrunner with Sanders often a close second. Buttigieg is sometimes beating Warren and always beating Klobuchar. Yet these men were discarded. Continue reading…