The Corruption of American Christianity and the Evil Agenda to Destroy America


Much of the information below is taken from the documentary movie Enemies Within The Church, to be released soon. Part 1 was published several months ago.

“And do not have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness; instead, expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things are exposed when they are revealed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.” (Eph. 5:11-13).

True Christians don’t really fit into America’s two-party system because it’s too uneven. But we must do all we can to stand for truth, righteousness, and justice in this very evil day where all that is pure and decent is under assault. We must be enlightened to the extremely overt efforts to infiltrate and advance the liberal leftist anti-Christ agenda.

The reason their agenda seems to be advancing is because it is happening in what most people consider safe environments and Christian institutions. Their talking points are deceptive because they are dressed with Christian veneer. They are hijacking every aspect of our culture and pushing it toward socialism, but that has never been God’s divine design and purpose for America. Continue reading…