Drag Queen Children TV Shows Coming to America, ‘Drag Tots!’ Features Cross-Dressing Toddlers

CHRISTIAN POSTStoyan Zaimov –  


At least two new animated television shows about drag queens, one featuring children characters, are set to debut in America, drawing high concern from conservative commentators.

World of Wonder released a trailer in May about “Drag Tots!,” a show about toddler drag queens coming June 28th, featuring transgender model RuPaul.

“In a world on the brink of chaos, where fear is the rule of the land, the voices of a generation have banded together to give our planet what it needs…BABY DRAG QUEENS!” proclaims a preview on YouTube.  Continue reading…https://www.christianpost.com/news/drag-queen-children-tv-shows-drag-tots-cross-dressing-toddlers-224846/