Homeschooling Mom Starts Christian Resource Center to Combat California’s Draconian Laws in Education

THE STREAM/ Nancy Flory-

Melissa Wheeler, founder of KERN Resource Center, recently spoke with The Stream’s Nancy Flory about the resource center, why she started it and how it combats California’s laws that require students in public school to take the COVID vaccine and wear masks. As a homeschooling mom, Melissa knew that homeschooling kids were not in the jurisdiction of California public schools. She started KERN to give other parents and students an alternative, yet distinctly Christian, education. Here is what Melissa had to say. 

Nancy: Can you tell me why you founded the KERN Resource Center?

Melissa: Well, with the political climate and the indoctrination of students in public schools, we decided that the area needed another option. Bakersfield has been known as a little safe haven, a little pocket in California to be primarily conservative. But over the course of the last couple of decades as this agenda keeps creeping through, parents became more aware of it during the pandemic because the students were forced to school at home. And so, we saw a mass exodus from the states with impending additions to the vaccine schedule or the threats of that happening. And they just keep pushing it on younger and younger students.

They have placed feminine products in the boys’ restroom in the public schools. If a girl decides that she wants to identify as a boy, and she happens to be on her cycle, she’s able to go into the boys’ restroom and have access to that material.

They have incorporated the LGBT propaganda all the way down to the kindergarten level. We’ve got illustrated books that the teachers [are] not yet required in our county to read to the students, but they are in our public schools and they’re available to the students electronically and in the library. And then, one of the schools that’s about a half mile away from our location, they just had a group of attorneys come out and speak with all the teachers this last week to let them know that the curriculum was going to incorporate all of it, and they are welcome to teach it. They don’t yet have to, [but] that it’s coming. It’ll be coming. Continue reading…