Trump Stops Pelosi From Putting Abortion Funding in Anti-Coronavirus Bill, House to Pass Clean Measure

LIFE NEWS/ Steven Ertelt-

In a victory for the Trump administration and pro-life Americans, pro-abortion Speaker Nancy Pelosi has relented and agreed to a deal with the Trump administration to pass a clean version of the economic stimulus bill dealing with the coronoavirus. A clean bill with the Hyde Amendment attached to it will receive approval from the House of Representatives tonight and will be signed into law on Monday after the Senate approves it.

As LifeNews reported, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is so dedicated to promoting abortion and forcing Americans to fund killing babies in abortion that she has been caught trying to add taxpayer financing of abortions to the bill to combat the Coronavirus and provide economic stimulus to the nation as it deals with the COVD-19 outbreak.

Pelosi came under heavy criticism from pro-life advocates, from pro-life lawmakers like Senator Ben Sasse and even from President Trump himself.

“Pelosi wanted to sneak in a billion dollars in funding for abortion programs through the coronavirus stimulus package. Don’t ever tell me the Democrats aren’t politicizing this situation,” Human Rights editor Ian Cheong argued. Continue reading…