Colorado Drops Action Against Christian Baker Who Declined ‘Gender Transition’ Cake Order


The Colorado attorney general’s office announced on Tuesday that it will drop its action against Christian bakery owner Jack Phillips, and Phillips has consequently agreed to dismiss his lawsuit against the entity. The State had initially concluded that a complainant had standing against Phillips after he declined to make a cake for a “gender transition” celebration. Phillips sued in contending that the State was continuing to engage in unlawful anti-religious hostility.

“Under the terms of the agreement, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission will voluntarily dismiss the state administrative action against Masterpiece Cakeshop and its owner, Jack Phillips, and Mr. Phillips will voluntarily dismiss his federal court case against the State,” reads a press release from Attorney General Phil Weiser’s office.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which had represented Phillips in court, said that while the legal organization doesn’t know why the State decided to drop its case against the Christian baker, it has been made aware of impermissible remarks by those in the commission that can be deemed hostile toward religion. Continue reading…